Tirsdag d. 23/11 – fredag d. 26/11 kl. 13-17
Som en del af Statens Kunstråds interkulturelle seminar Invitation to the Possible byder Overgaden på en litteraturuge med nydanske stemmer, som vil underholde med digte og anden prosa. De vil også udtrykke holdninger og derigennem løsninger på, hvordan nydanske stemmer kan bidrage til den danske litteratur og hvorfor det er vigtigt. Deltagende forfattere er: Jun Feng, Aleksandar Sejin, Dina Yafasova, Basim Karim Hamid, Chaoqun Zheng, Ozcan, Asil Erdem, Henriette Rostrup og Benny Petersen.
Alle dage indledes med et skriveværksted fra kl. 13-15. Værkstedet er indrettet således, at gæsterne kan vælge at skrive et digt til Den Interkulturelle Poesikasse eller lade sig inspirere af de udstillede digte af nydanske digtere, som det desuden er muligt for at dem af tage med hjem.
Værkstedet bliver ledet af digteren Adil Erdem. Følgende digtere/forfatter læser op af deres værker:
15.00 Aleksandar Sojin
15.30 Henriette Rostrup
16.00 Jun Feng og Adil Erdem
16.30 Özcan Ajrulovski og Sam
Værkstedet bliver ledet af digteren Özcan Ajrulovski. Følgende digtere/forfatter læser op af deres værker:
15.00 Chaoqun Zheng
15.30 Abdul Khadir Al-Bari
16.00 Jun Feng
16.30 Özcan Ajrulovski og Sam
Værkstedet bliver ledet af digteren Özcan Ajrulovski. Følgende digtere/forfatter læser op af deres værker:
15.00 Dina Yafasova
15.30 Forfatterskolen fra Brøndbystrand
16.00 Paneldiskussion om interkulturelle litteraturprojekter. Hvad vil det sige at være interkulturel kunstner i Danmark? Hvilke barrierer støder man på? Kan interkulturelle kunstnere være med til at globalisere den danske kunst og litteratur? Kan de spille en rolle i forhold til integrationen af etniske danskere med minoritetsbaggrund? Er interkulturelle kunstnere underlagt selvcensur? Er blot nogen af de mange spørgsmål der vil blive rejst.
Værkstedet bliver ledet af digteren Adil Erdem. Følgende digtere/forfatter læser op af deres værker:
15.00 Basim Alansar
15.30 Jun Feng?
16.00 Özcan Ajrulovski
16.30 Naziza Vucina og Nilgun Erdem
Alle arrangementer er gratis og åbent for alle
Det tværfaglige og interaktive seminar om interkulturelle forhold i Danmark Invitation to the Possible, har henover 4 uger inviteret kunstnere fra musik, litteratur, scenekunst og billedkunst til at stå for en række events, der har til hensigt at skabe opmærksomhed omkring interkulturel æstetik som en ny kulturel kategori i Danmark. Seminaret er igangsat af Statens Kunstråds interkulturelle rådgivningsprojekt ledet af Khaled Ramadan og er kurateret af Maj Hasager og Helen de Main.
Det interkulturelle seminar Invitation to the Possible er en parallel event til udstillingen Between Here & Somewhere Else, som i øjeblikket vises på Overgaden. Udstillingen er opstået på baggrund af danske Maj Hasager (f. 1977) og britiske Helen de Mains (f. 1980) adskillige ophold i Palæstina og Israel igennem de sidste tre år. Under deres fælles rejser har de udviklet et særligt forhold til området og forsøger med udstillingen at anskueliggøre den aktuelle situation i de besatte områder, observeret fra den udenforståendes perspektiv. Between Here & Somewhere Else har i foråret 2010 været udstillet i Jerusalem, Betlehem og Ramallah.
Tuesday 23 Friday - 26 November 1-5pm
As a part of The Danish Arts Council’s intercultural seminar Invitation to the Possible Overgaden invites you to a literature week with immigrant votes that will entertain with poems and other prose. They will also express opinions and thus solutions to how immigrant voices can contribute to Danish literature and why that is important. The participating authors are: Jun Feng, Aleksandar Sojin, Adil Erdem, Sam Abdul Khahir Al-Bari, Chaoqun Zheng, Özcan Ajrulovski, Basim Alansar, Dina Yafasova, Naziza Vucina, Nilgun Erdem and Henriette Rostrup.
Each day will begin with a writing workshop from 1-3pm. The workshop is designed so that guests can choose to write a poem for the Inter-Cultural Poetry Box or be inspired by the exhibited poems by immigrant poets, which it is also possible for them to bring home.
The workshop is led by the poet Adil Erdem. The following poets/authors will read from their works:
3.00 Aleksandar Sojin
3.30 Henriette Rostrup
4.00 Jun Feng and Adil Erdem
4.30 Özcan Ajrulovski and Sam
The workshop is led by the poet Özcan Ajrulovski.The following poets/authors will read from their works:
3.30 Abdul Khadir Al-Bari
4.00 Jun Feng
4.30 Özcan Ajrulovski and Sam
The workshop is led by the poet Özcan Ajrulovski.The following poets/authors will read from their works:
3.00 Dina Yafasova
3.30 Author School from Brøndby Strand
4.00 Panel discussion on intercultural literature projects. What does it mean to be an intercultural artist in Denmark? What barriers do we encounter? Can intercultural artists help to globalize Danish art and literature? Can they play a part in integration of ethnic Danes with minority backgrounds? Are intercultural artists subject to censorship? Is just some of the many questions that will be raised.
The workshop is led by the poet Adil Erdem. The following poets/authors will read from their works:
3.00 Basim Alansar
3.30 Jun Feng
4.00 Özcan Ajrulovski
4.30 Naziza Vucina and Nilgun Erdem
All events are free and open to everyone
The multi-disciplinary and interactive seminar on interculturalism in Denmark, Invitation to the Possible, will over the course of its 4 week run, invite artists from the disciplines of music, literature, performing arts and visual arts to programme a series of events with the intend to generate awareness around intercultural aesthetics as a new cultural category in Denmark. The seminar is initiated by the Danish Arts Council’s intercultural advisory project led by Khaled Ramadan and is curated by Maj Hasager and Helen de Main.
Invitation to the Possible is a parallel event to the exhibition Between Here & Somewhere Else currently exhibited at Overgaden. This developed from various periods spent by Danish artist Maj Hasager (b. 1977) and British artist Helen de Main (b. 1980) in Palestine and Israel over the past three years. During their joint travels they developed an ongoing relationship with the area, and are attempting through this exhibition to illustrate the current situation in the occupied territories, as seen from the perspective of an outsider. Between Here & Somewhere Else was exhibited in the spring of 2010 in Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Ramallah.
Each day will begin with a writing workshop from 1-3pm. The workshop is designed so that guests can choose to write a poem for the Inter-Cultural Poetry Box or be inspired by the exhibited poems by immigrant poets, which it is also possible for them to bring home.
The workshop is led by the poet Adil Erdem. The following poets/authors will read from their works:
3.00 Aleksandar Sojin
3.30 Henriette Rostrup
4.00 Jun Feng and Adil Erdem
4.30 Özcan Ajrulovski and Sam
The workshop is led by the poet Özcan Ajrulovski.The following poets/authors will read from their works:
3.30 Abdul Khadir Al-Bari
4.00 Jun Feng
4.30 Özcan Ajrulovski and Sam
The workshop is led by the poet Özcan Ajrulovski.The following poets/authors will read from their works:
3.00 Dina Yafasova
3.30 Author School from Brøndby Strand
4.00 Panel discussion on intercultural literature projects. What does it mean to be an intercultural artist in Denmark? What barriers do we encounter? Can intercultural artists help to globalize Danish art and literature? Can they play a part in integration of ethnic Danes with minority backgrounds? Are intercultural artists subject to censorship? Is just some of the many questions that will be raised.
The workshop is led by the poet Adil Erdem. The following poets/authors will read from their works:
3.00 Basim Alansar
3.30 Jun Feng
4.00 Özcan Ajrulovski
4.30 Naziza Vucina and Nilgun Erdem
All events are free and open to everyone
The multi-disciplinary and interactive seminar on interculturalism in Denmark, Invitation to the Possible, will over the course of its 4 week run, invite artists from the disciplines of music, literature, performing arts and visual arts to programme a series of events with the intend to generate awareness around intercultural aesthetics as a new cultural category in Denmark. The seminar is initiated by the Danish Arts Council’s intercultural advisory project led by Khaled Ramadan and is curated by Maj Hasager and Helen de Main.
Invitation to the Possible is a parallel event to the exhibition Between Here & Somewhere Else currently exhibited at Overgaden. This developed from various periods spent by Danish artist Maj Hasager (b. 1977) and British artist Helen de Main (b. 1980) in Palestine and Israel over the past three years. During their joint travels they developed an ongoing relationship with the area, and are attempting through this exhibition to illustrate the current situation in the occupied territories, as seen from the perspective of an outsider. Between Here & Somewhere Else was exhibited in the spring of 2010 in Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Ramallah.
Institute of Contemporary Art
Overgaden Neden Vandet 17
DK-1414 Copenhagen K
+45 3257-7273
+45 3257-7273
Tuesday-Sunday 1-5pm, Thursday 1-8pm
Supported by:
Danish Arts Council, The Danish Art Fund, The Danish Art Workshops and Scottish Arts Council
Danish Arts Council, The Danish Art Fund, The Danish Art Workshops and Scottish Arts Council
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Between Here & Somewhere Else
Overgaden Neden Vandet 17
Copenhagen, Copenhagen DK-1414
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